Example of Recount Text

Tukul and Arwana Fish

Long time ago, there was a boy named Tukul. He  was a  good man. He lived in a village.  Every day, he went to fished in a river, from morning until   afternoon. He lived alone in the small house. His father and mother were die. One day, he was wait a fish which came in a his enticement. But until afternoon, he didn’t get a fish. When he was wait, he saw a pink arwana fish which trapped between 2 big stones in the middle of the river. Cause he was a good man , so he wanted to help the fish for released the fish. But he remembered that he couldn’t swim. Tukul was sad.

When he thought how to release the fish, suddenly he saw a wood which floated on the river. He was very happy. So he take the wood and suddenly, a big snake arose  from the under the wood. Tukul was shock and he fell to  the river. Tukul almost sank (sink)

Suddenly, the fish moved and helped Tukul which sank. Tukul was shock when he saw the fish. Not expressly, Tukul said thanks to the fish and suddenly the fish answered youre welcome. Tukul surprised when he heard the fish.

After the incident, Tukul went to the river every time. Tukul spoke with the fish about all his experience. And finally Tukul be the fish friend.